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Rich Profile: Grace Umutesi

The story of Grace, a determined young woman with a dream and now, the knowledge to make that dream come true.

Our team went out to Justin’s® head quarters in Boulder, Colorado to meet Grace Umutesi and Justin Gold. The resulting profile of Grace is an award winning short film and profile.

Grace is a truly Inspiring person. A survivor of the Rwandan genocide, she is determined to make a difference in her home country. Her journey led her to an internship with Justin Gold, founder of Justin’s®, where she gained valuable entrepreneurial knowledge. Inspired by this mentorship, Grace is committed to returning to Rwanda with the skills and experience to foster positive change and empower others through entrepreneurship.

Read Grace’s Story

This young lady has every reason to be bitter, to be angry, to get back at the world. And she doesn’t have any of that in her. She grew up in an environment I can’t even imagine, and she goes off and learns another language just to go to college? That’s crazy.

Justin Gold

Founder, Justin’s®

The Attention Span team spent a few days in Boulder with Justin, Grace and some of the people, and dogs, that work at Justin’s® HQ. Through a number of interviews and travel around the city we learned about Grace’s story and both her and Justin’s perspectives on work, giving back, and mission-driven work in order to create this award-winning short film and a written profile.

From left to right, Grace Umutesi and Justin Gold on Grace’s last day at HQ, Grace looking at a photo of her late mother, and Grace finalizing her pitch.

Grace Umutesi looking out over the beautiful Boulder, CO landscape during her interview with the Attention Span team